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The cold hard facts about cancer:

41% of all men, 39% of all women are likely to develop cancer during their lifetimes.  
          Have you had a loved one or friend who has?

More than half of all cancer patients are aged 65 or older.

Cancer is the second most common cause of death today.  However, after treatments, the survival rate is increasing every year.

According to, your doctor may recommend you get services more often than Medicare covers. Or they may recommend services that Medicare does not cover.

Medicare WILL NOT pay for:
         Travel for treatment     Lodging or meals          Extra help at home
              Alternative treatments          Additional prescription drugs

These non-insured costs can be quite significant;  many thousands of dollars

You should be prepared.  What other funds do you have in place to help offset treatment costs?  Savings, checking, retirement accounts, home equity, charity from family or friends, piggy bank, none?

Statistics are fine, but you are not a statistic, you are a human being who may have to face cancer head on.  How can you prepare?

One way is to purchase a Cancer Indemnity Insurance Policy.  It is an ounce of protection that can produce much more than a pound of cure.

How do these plans work?

Upon diagnosis of internal cancer, they will pay you a lump sum of money.  Money you may use exactly as and when you need it.  Every year we see clients collecting these funds.

What does a Cancer Policy cost?   A $25,000.00 lump sum benefit, male or female age 70, $69.08 per month.  Benefits start at $5,000.   Contact us for your no obligation specific quote.